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Title: On Null Cartan Rectifying Isophotic and Rectifying Silhouette Curves Lying on a Timelike Surface in Minkowski Space $\mathbb{E}^3_1$
Authors: Grbović Ćirić, Milica
Djordjević, Jelena
Nešović, Emilija
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce generalized Darboux frames of the first and the second kind alonga null Cartan curve lying on a timelike surface in Minkowski space E31 and define null Cartan rectifying isophotic and rectifying silhouette curves in terms of the vector field that belongs to generalized Darboux frame of the first kind. We investigate null Cartan rectifying isophotic and rectifying silhouette curves with constant geodesic curvature kg and geodesic torsion τg and obtain the parameter equations of their axes. We prove that such curves are the null Cartan helices and the null Cartan cubics. We show that the introduced curves with a non-zero constant curvatures kg and τg are general helices, relatively normal-slant helices and isophotic curves with respect to the same axis. In particular, we find that null Cartan cubic lying on a timelike surface is rectifying isophotic and rectifying silhouette curve having a spacelike and a lightlike axis. Finally, we give some examples.
Type: article
DOI: 10.36890/iejg.1447199
ISSN: 1307-5624
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Science, Kragujevac

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