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Title: A two-stage model for electric vehicle evaluation: CRITIC-ELECTRE approach
Authors: Tadić, Danijela
Lukić, Jovanka
Komatina, Nikola
Journal: Mobility & Vehicle Mechanics
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: Sustainable development represents one of the primary strategic management challenges for organizations operating across various economic sectors. The production and utilization of transportation means aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions lead to an enhancement of environmental protection. Many automotive companies are deploying electric vehicles, thus contributing to sustainable development. However, selecting the most suitable electric vehicle from the available options poses a challenge. This paper aims to introduce a two stage model that integrates the CRiteria significance Through Intercriteria Correlation and Elimination (CRITIC) method with ÉLimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalité (ELECTRE). The CRITIC method is used to obtain weighs vector of electric vehicle attributes, while the ELECTRE method is used for ranking the considered electric vehicle models. The proposed model is demonstrated using a sample of 17 feasible electric vehicle variants, evaluated based on seven features. Input data are sourced from relevant literature. The novelty of this research lies in the combined CRITIC-ELECTRE approach, which has not been previously applied in this domain.
Type: article
DOI: 10.24874/mvm.2024.50.01.04
ISSN: 1450-5304
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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