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Title: Developing the procedure for damage simulation in metallic structures due to cyclic loading - DEEDS
Authors: Dunić, Vladimir
Jovic, Nikola
Bodić, Aleksandar
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: In the case of engineering structures, it is necessary to control their safety, so cutting- edge tools are required to achieve safety in the design process and during the exploitation. If the loading conditions exceed the limits, structures can experience damage and failure. The prediction and prevention of damage caused by cyclic loading is obligatory. Computational modeling techniques can be used as a solution in addition to experiments. The procedure for predicting damage evolution in engineering structures under the Low Cyclic and High Cyclic fatigue loading conditions can be based on Phase Field Damage Model theory which can be implemented into an in- house Finite Element Method (FEM) software for structural analysis. This work is a presentation of DEEDS project activities – University of Kragujevac. The developed procedure will improve the structural design process and the safety of structures. The application potential of PAK-DAM software is wide in all engineering industries (civil, mechanical, naval, biomedical, electric power) for safety and health monitoring, design reviews, and integrity and reliability assessment of structures.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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