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Title: Laboratory activities to introduce the qualitative analysis of biomolecules in the common food stuff - An example of inquiry-based teaching in the chemistry classroom
Authors: Kostic, Marina
Marjanović, Jovana S
Divac, Vera
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: The inquiry-based teaching methodologies have important place in the laboratory school practice and science education. Inquire-based learning combines the hands-on activities with student-centered discussion, and, in the same time, promotes the students engagement, collaboration and self-confidence, as well as their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Herein we present practical examples of inquiry-based activities for the qualitative determination of the presence of carbohydrates, starch, proteins and vitamin C in common food stuff. The developed activities were realized with the third and fourth grade students from the vocational school (The first technical school, Kragujevac, Serbia). The students were requested to perform the qualitative tests for the determination of starch (Iodine test), reducing sugars (Fehling test), proteins (Biuret test) and vitamin C (Iodine test), prior to the realization of final task where they needed to choose adequate methods and solve real-life conceptually based problems using acquired knowledge and skills. Confirmatory and structured inquiry teaching were applied and the students were equipped with experimental procedures. The applied methodology has been used to reinforce students’ existing knowledge and connections with real-life concepts.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:Institute for Information Technologies, Kragujevac

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