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dc.contributor.authorBogdanovic, Gordana-
dc.contributor.authorCukanovic, Dragan-
dc.contributor.authorRadakovic, Aleksandar-
dc.contributor.authorDjordjevic, Milan-
dc.contributor.authorKnezevic, Petar-
dc.description.abstractDue to extensive application of composite materials in automotive industry projects, the focus of paper is on functionally graded materials as a modern composite. In the introductory section of the paper, the basic concept of the aforementioned materials is described, the main advantages and disadvantages are given, as well as examples of their application in various fields of automotive sector. A systematic and practical approach for modelling, designing and analysis of functionally graded plate on elastic foundations is discussed. Three simple elastic foundation models with constant parameters have been analysed: Winkler foundation, Pasternak foundation as well as Kerr foundation. The formulation of the Winkler/Pasternak/Kerr foundation models is studied analytically. On the basis of the described theoretical formulations, numerical examples of the bending of functionally graded plates on elastic foundation are done. The difference between three models of elastic foundation is also discussed by comparing their results. Finally, based on obtained results conclusions and the recommendations for further study are givenen_US
dc.publisherFaculty of Engineering, University of Kragujevacen_US
dc.relationMinistry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation of the Republic of Serbia for funding the scientific research work, contract no. 451-03-65/2024-03/200155, realized by the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Kosovska Mitrovica, University of Pristinaen_US
dc.subjectfunctionally graded materialen_US
dc.subjectelastic foundationen_US
dc.subjectbending analysisen_US
dc.titleFunctionally Graded Materials in Automotive Industry-Modelling and Analysis of FG Plate on Elastic Foundationen_US
dc.source.conference10th International Congress Motor Vehicles & Motors 2024en_US
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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