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Title: Funkcionalnost porodičnih dimenzija i roditeljstva iz ugla sistemske teorije o porodici
Authors: Nikolić, Nataša
Journal: Zbornik radova Pedagoškog fakulteta u Užicu
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Systems theory views the family as a dynamic system inextricably linked with other social systems. According to this theory, a community is a system that is much more than the sum of its parts and has its own structure, hierarchy, boundaries, and through its life cycle it encounters numerous developmental and non-developmental crises. Different authors mention different but also overlapping dimensions of family functioning. After brief descriptions of certain dimensions of the family, primarily those mentioned by the authors Olson, McMasters and Beavers of the family functioning model, we will try to conclude what a functional family would be and especially what good and functional parenting would be. The advantage of the systemic approach is its holistic approach to the family, but also the fact that it presents the family as a developing entity that is in relationship with the environment and recognizes the importance of external influences, i.e. various interventions in the family system in order to improve the functionality of the family.
Type: article
DOI: 10.5937/ZRPFU2325063N
ISSN: 2560-550X
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Teacher Education, Užice

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