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Title: The influence of the Trombe wall on energy consumption for heating and cooling of net zero energy house
Authors: Bojic, Milorad
Lukic, Nebojsa
Malešević, Jovan
Milovanović, Miloš
Đorđević, Slobodan
Issue Date: 2013
Abstract: This paper deals with the influence Trombe wall on heating and cooling net zero energy house. Net zero energy house consists of six rooms that are heated and cooled and is located in the Belgrade area. Trombe wall as a passive solar system is set on the vertical and sloped south side of the house. The basic house does not contain Trombe wall. The simulation was performed for models of houses with vertical Trombe wall, sloped Trombe wall and for a model house with both Trombe walls. Houses, as well as heating and cooling in them, are modeled using the software EnergyPlus. Heating and cooling uses the electricity. To save energy, there are thermostatic valves. The simulation is done for a year. For all the houses, as well as appropriate facilities in them, the temperatures and energy consumption are compared. Simulation finds energy savings of about 15% in the case Trombe wall.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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