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Title: Locally Ventilated Industrial Building with Heat Recovery: Environmental Temperature Influence to Thermal Comfort and Energy Concumption
Authors: Bojic, Milorad
Lukic, Nebojsa
Babic, Milun
Milovanovic, Dobrica
Issue Date: 1996
Abstract: A study has been carried out of heat recovery from air that ventilates a hot tool in a tool shop. The recovered heat is used to preheat air for the space heating of this tool shop. Software has been used to analyze the heat-recovery efficiency and thermal comfort for a variation of environmental temperature. Anincrease of environmental temperature of 1K yields a heat saving of 2% and an increase of temperature in the tool shop of 2K. Additional adjustment of air flow for thermal comfort in the tool shop decreases heat expenditure for 1%. Contrary holds for a decrease of outside temperature.
Type: conferenceObject
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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