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Title: A Preisach Model Defining Correlation Between Monotonic and Cyclic Response of Structural Mild Steel
Authors: Knezevic, Petar
Radakovic, Aleksandar
Velimirovic, Nikola
Cukanovic, Dragan
Perovic, Zoran
Radulovic, Rada
Bogdanovic, Gordana
Issue Date: 2024
Abstract: This article delivers a new Preisach model representing the correlation between the elastoplastic behavior of structural mild steel under axial monotonic and cyclic loading with damage. The newly formed model is based on the experimentally defined correlation between axial monotonic and cyclic behavior of structural mild steel. To examine the monotonic and cyclic behavior of structural mild steel and find fitting material properties for the model, monotonic and cyclic axial tensile tests are performed. Tests are executed on coupons of the commonly used European structural steel S275. The model represents a mathematical description of modified single-crystal material behavior under monotonic loading. Two different approaches were used to describe damage in the multilinear mechanical model. The excellent agreement with experimental results is achieved by infinitely linking many single-crystal elements in parallel, forming the polycrystalline model. This model provides a good solution for everyday engineering practice due to its geometric representation in the form of the Preisach triangle and the lower costs of monotonic tests used to define material properties compared to cyclic tests
Type: article
ISSN: 2227-7390
Appears in Collections:Faculty of Engineering, Kragujevac

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