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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 2333
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
10.3390-DIAGNOSTICS11050915.pdf.jpg2021Morphological characteristics of the nasopalatine canal and the relationship with the anterior maxillary bone—a cone beam computed tomography studyMilanović P.; Selakovic, Dragica; Vasiljevic M.; Jovicic, Nemanja; Milovanovic, Dragan; Vasovic, Miroslav; Rosic, Gvozden
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Generalised lymphadenopathy in a patient with fever of unknown origin as a differential diagnostic challenge — Case reportMarković, Veronika; Rakovic, Ivana; Petrovic, Sara; Rodic D.; Zornic, Nenad; Jovicic B.
10.2298-VSP190613094V.pdf.jpg2021Acute intermittent porphyria - A case reportVulovic, Tatjana; Ristanović A.; Vukovic R.; Veljovic M.
10.1017-S2045796021000330.pdf.jpg2021The effectiveness of volunteer befriending for improving the quality of life of patients with schizophrenia in Bosnia and Herzegovina - an exploratory randomised controlled trialSikira H.; Jankovic M.; Slatina M.; Muhić M.; Sajun S.; Priebe S.; Džubur Kulenoviĉ A.
10.2298-VSP190719098G.pdf.jpg2021Prevalence of depression in elderly and relations to chronic diseasesGajovic G.; Kocic H.; Radovanovic, Snezana; Vukomanović I.; Janicijevic K.; Radevic S.
10.2298-VSP190226103J.pdf.jpg2021Different predictive value for short-term all-cause mortality with commonly used biomarkers regarding the cause of pulmonary embolismDjordjevic-Jovanovic L.; Subota V.; Stavric M.; Dzudovic B.; Subotic B.; Novčić N.; Miric M.; Matijasevic J.; Nikolic M.; Miloradović V.; Salinger S.; Nikolić, Nebojša; Kos L.; Kovacević P.; Obradović L.
10.3389-fnana.2021.670766.pdf.jpg2021Maternal Deprivation in Rats Decreases the Expression of Interneuron Markers in the Neocortex and HippocampusAksic M.; Poleksic J.; Aleksic D.; Petronijevic N.; Radonjic, Nevena; Jakovcevski, Maja; Kapor A.; Divac N.; Filipović B.; Jakovcevski I.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Smoking and sex differences in first manifestation of cardiovascular diseaseŽ. VASILJEVIĆ S.; Scarpone M.; Bergami M.; Yoon J.; Van Der Schaar M.; Krljanac, Gordana; Asanin M.; Davidovic G.; Simovic, Stefan; Manfrini O.; Mickovski-Katalina N.; Badimon L.; Cenko, Edina; Bugiardini, Raffaele
10.1590-S1678-9946202163049.pdf.jpg2021Antimicrobial treatment of corynebacterium striatum invasive infections: A systematic reviewMilosavljević, Miloš; Milosavljević J.; Kocovic, Aleksandar; Stefanovic, Srdjan; Janković, Milutin; Djesevic M.; Milentijević M.
10.3389-fpubh.2021.692926.pdf.jpg2021Editorial: NCDs – Core Challenge of Modern Day Health Care EstablishmentsJakovljevic, Mihajlo; Sharma, Tarang; Kumagai N.; Ogura S.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021The quality assessment of the University hospital bone bank in Central Serbia: the second audit after fourteen yearsStepanovic, Zeljko; Ristic, Branko
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Cardiac, biochemical and histopathological analysis reveals impaired heart function in hypertensive rats with apical periodontitisMilojević-Šamanović A.; Jakovljevic V.; Vasovic, Miroslav; Mitrović, Aleksandra; Rankovic M.; Mihajlović K.; Bolevich, Sergey; Zivkovic V.
10.2298-VSP190910110J.pdf.jpg2021Colorectal carcinoma: Evaluation of systemic values of interleukin-1 and interleukin-33 in patients with and without thrombocytosisJocic M.; Gajovic N.; Jurisevic M.; Jovanovic M.; Zdravković N.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Dejanović V.; Maric V.; Milev B.; Jovanovic M.
10.2298-VSP190226104L.pdf.jpg2021Antitumor effect of mifepristone on human endometrial stromal cell lineLukovic J.; Milosavljevic Z.; Lukovic, Sladjana; Mitrovic M.; Andjelkovic M.; Zelen I.; Stanojević-Pirković M.; Nikolic, Ivana
10.2298-VSP190401105K.pdf.jpg2021Risk factors for potential drug-drug interactions in a general neurology wardKostic, Marina; Zivkovic Zaric, Radica; Jankovic, Slobodan
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Effects of galectin-1 on immunomodulatory properties of human monocyte-derived dendritic cellsDzopalic, Tanja; Kostić, Miloš; Kostic M.; Marjanović, Goran; Guzina J.; Jurisic, Vladimir; Božić Nedeljković B.
10.24953-turkjped.2021.03.015.pdf.jpg2021Can early hyperglycemia affect the morbidity/mortality of very low birth weight premature infants?Simovic, Aleksandra; Kuc A.; Jevtic E.; Kocovic, Aleksandar; Markovic, Slavica; Stanojević M.; Jakovcevski M.; Jeremic, Dejan
10.3390-bioengineering8060084.pdf.jpg2021Analysis and forecasting incidence, intensive care unit admissions, and projected mortality attributable to covid-19 in Portugal, the UK, Germany, Italy, and France: Predictions for 4 weeks aheadCarvalho K.; Vicente J.; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo; Teixeira, João
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Personalization of drug dose thematic issue: introduction articleJankovic, Slobodan
10.1161-JAHA.120.020597.pdf.jpg2021Functional assessment of myocardial bridging with conventional and diastolic fractional flow reserve: Vasodilator versus inotropic provocationAleksandrić B.; Djordjevic-Ðikic A.; Dobric M.; Giga V.; Soldatovic, Ivan; Vukcevic V.; Tomasevic, Miloje; Stojković A.; Orlic D.; Saponjski J.; Tesic, Milorad; Banovic M.; Petrovic M.; Juricic S.; Nedeljkovic M.; Stankovic, Goran; Ostojic M.; Beleslin B.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 561 to 580 of 2333