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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 541 to 560 of 2333
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021The electrophysiological effects of cadmium on Retzius nerve cells of the leech Haemopis sanguisugaJovanovic, Zorica
10.2298-VSP190418075P.pdf.jpg2021Diagnostic importance of cystatin c and creatinine for contrast-induced acute kidney injuryPilčevic D.; Rancic, Nemanja; Jovic Z.; Rabrenovic V.; Antić M.; Petrovic M.; Petrovic, Dejan; Maksic D.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Obesity and sleep apnea as a significant comorbidities in COVID-19 — A case reportNikolic M.; Simovic, Stefan; Novkovic, Ljiljana; Jokovic V.; Djokovic, Danijela; Muric, Nemanja; Bazic Sretenovic, Danijela; Jovanovic, Jelena; Pantić K.; Cekerevac, Ivan
10.2298-VSP1801200057K.pdf.jpg2021Accuracy of serum procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, and soluble CD14 subtype levels in diagnosis of sepsis in childrenKnezevic Rangelov, Sanja; Jankovic, Slobodan
10.2298-VSP200604142N.pdf.jpg2021Pneumothorax in a patient with pneumonia caused by SARS-CoV-2: A case reportNovkovic, Ljiljana; Cekerevac, Ivan
10.2298-VSP181113081R.pdf.jpg2021Stereo vision in air force pilots in human centrifuge during +Gz accelerationRandjelović D.; Vulovic R.; Petrovic, Nenad; Sreckovic M.
10.2298-VSP180727065S.pdf.jpg2021Historical development of the understanding of coeliac diseaseStojanovic B.; Jankovic O.; Djonović, Nela; Radlović V.; Jovanovic P.; Vuletić B.
10.1002-stem.3390.pdf.jpg2021Special Series: Stem Cells and Hearing Losslako, majlinda; Stankovic K.; Stojkovic, Miodrag
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021The significant role of dietary intake of vitamin D in non-menopausal women healthMilovanovic, Jasmina; Milovanovic, Olivera; Tomic Lucic, Aleksandra; Djokovic, Jelena; Cvetkovic O.; Živanović, Slavoljub; Barjaktarevic A.; Pantović M.; Radovanovic, Milan; Dimitrijevic, Aleksandra; Jankovic A.; Veličković-Radovanović R.
10.3389-fphys.2021.661778.pdf.jpg2021Melissa officinalis L. as a Nutritional Strategy for CardioprotectionDraginic N.; Jakovljevic V.; Andjic M.; Jeremic, Jovana; Srejovic I.; Rankovic M.; Tomovic, Marina; Nikolic Turnic T.; Svistunov A.; Bolevich, Sergey; Milosavljevic I.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Application of the conventional and novel methods in testing EGFR variants for NSCLC patients in the last 10 years through different regions: a systematic reviewObradović, Jasmina; Todosijević, Jovana; Jurisic, Vladimir
10.2298-VSP190730097A.pdf.jpg2021The influence of Vitamin E-coated dialysis membrane on oxidative stress during a single session of on-line hemodiafiltrationAntic J.; Draginic N.; Pilčevic D.; Zivkovic V.; Srejovic I.; Jeremić N.; Petrovic, Dejan; Jakovljevic V.
10.3389-fpubh.2021.629051.pdf.jpg2021Relationship Between Socio-Demographic Characteristics, Reproductive Health Behaviors, and Health Literacy of Women in SerbiaMaricic M.; Stojanovic G.; Pazun V.; Stepovic M.; Djordjevic O.; Macuzic I.; Milicic, Vesna; Vucic, Vesna; Radevic S.; Radovanovic, Snezana
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Some Biochemical Changes in the Lichen Evernia prunastri Exposed to Atmospheric PollutantsBogdanovic-Dusanovic G.; Manojlovic, Nedeljko; Trajković R.; Pejčinović D.; Tomović, Jovica
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Association between oral contraceptive use and pancreatic cancer risk: A systematic review and meta-analysisIlic, Milena; Milicic, Biljana; Ilic, Irena
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Pharmacology of repair after peripheral nerve injuryDivac N.; Aksic M.; Rasulić L.; Jakovcevski, Maja; Basailovic M.; Jakovcevski I.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021Vitamin D in Basketball Players: Current Evidence and Future DirectionsStojanović E.; Radovanovic, Dragan; Hew-Butler T.; Hamar D.; Jakovljevic, Vladimir
10.2298-SARH200205103P.pdf.jpg2021Analysis of biochemical markers in the saliva and correlation with clinical parameters in patients with aggressive periodontitis, before and after the therapyPopović Z.; Dozic, Branko; Popovic M.; Obradović R.; Dozić I.
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021OCT Guidance for Detection and Treatment of Free-Floating Struts Following Ostial LAD StentingMilasinovic D.; Tomasevic, Miloje; Vukcevic V.; Stankovic, Goran
PaperMissing.pdf.jpg2021A new bis-pyrazolylpyridine ruthenium(iii) complex as a potential anticancer drug:in vitroandin vivoactivity in murine colon cancerLazic, Dejan; Scheurer A.; Ćoćić, Dušan; Milovanovic, Jelena; Arsenijevic A.; Stojanovic B.; Arsenijevic, Nebojsa; Milovanovic, Marija; Rilak Simović A.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 541 to 560 of 2333