1. Branislav Nedeljkovic, Babic Miroslav, Milan Mutavdzic, Ratkovic Nada, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Nikolic Ruzica, Lazic Vukic, REPARATORY HARD FACING OF THE ROTATIONAL DEVICE KNIVES FOR TERRAIN LEVELLING, null (ISSN 1310-4772) 100-B Nedeljk - J of Balk Trib Ass 2010- 46-57.pdf
2. Arsić Dušan, Lazic Vukic, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Nikolic Ruzica, Marinković Petar, Djordjevic Milan, Ratkovic Nada, THEORETICAL-EXPERIMENTAL FRACTURE ANALYSIS OF A RESPONSIBLE MACHINE PART, null (ISSN 1451-3749) 141-146-IVK2-2014-DA-VL-SA-RN-PM-MD-NR.pdf
3. Ratkovic Nada, Arsić Dušan, Lazic Vukic, Nikolic Ruzica, Hadzima Branislav, The contact and compacting pressures influences on the plastic deformation parameters of the friction welded joint, null (ISSN 1335-0803) 192-1626-1-PB-printed.pdf
4. Lazic Vukic, Arsić Dušan, M. Zrilic, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Djordjevic Milan, Ratkovic Nada, Experimental measuring of residual stresses in hard faced layers of the hot work tool steel, null (ISSN 0354-7965) Zavariv i zav kons-2017-19-26.pdf
5. Lazic Vukic, Arsić Dušan, Zrilic Milorad, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Djordjevic Milan, Ratkovic Nada, EXPERIMENTAL MEASURING OF RESIDUAL STRESSES IN HARD FACED LAYERS OF THE HOT WORK TOOL STEEL, null (ISSN 0354-7965) 0354-79651701019L.pdf
6. Ratkovic Nada, Jovanović Pešić Živana, Arsić Dušan, Pešić Miloš, Dzunic Dragan, Tool geometry effect on material flow and mixture in FSW, null, 10.24867/ATM-2022-2-006 (ISSN 2620-0325) ATM-2022-2-006.pdf
7. Ivkovic Djordje, Adamovic Dragan, Arsić Dušan, Ratkovic Nada, Mitrović A., Nikolic Ruzica, Review of the advanced high-strength steels used in automotive industry, null, https://doi.org/10.24874/mvm.2023.49.03.04 (ISSN 1450-5304) Ivkovic et all paper_printed.pdf
1. Milosavljevic Dragan, Marinkovic Petar, Lazic Vukic, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Ratkovic Nada, Ocena zavarljivosti čelika povišene jačine i mogućnost njihove primene u železničkoj industriji, null 108-Zelkon Nis 2010 - 309-312.pdf
2. Ratkovic Nada, Lazic Vukic, Arsić Dušan, Nikolic Ruzica, Hadzima Branislav, Influence of the welding time on plastic deformation during the friction welding of the high-speed steel and steel for tempering, null Paper 2 Zvaranie 2015.pdf
3. Lazic Vukic, Arsić Dušan, Milan Mutavdzic, Nikolic Ruzica, Hadzima Branislav, Ratkovic Nada, Profitability analysis of reparation of the construction machinery damaged parts – how to save money, null Paper 1 Zvaranie 2015.pdf
4. Ratkovic Nada, Arsić Dušan, Lazic Vukic, Nikolic Ruzica, Sedmak Aleksandar, Influence of friction welding parameters on mechanical properties and microstructure of the Al-Cu joint, null TEAM 2015_N. Ratkovic et. al_ISBN and paper.pdf
5. Lazic Vukic, Arsić Dušan, Zrilic Milorad, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Djordjevic Milan, Ratkovic Nada, Eksperimentalno merenje zaostalih napona u navаrenim slojevima kod termopostojanog čelika, null Zavarivanje 2016 (2).pdf
6. Ratkovic Nada, Lazic Vukic, Arsić Dušan, Uticaj vremena trenja na oblik spoja i mikrostrukturu zone mešanja kod trenjem zavarenog spoja, null Zavarivanje 2016-rad.pdf
7. Ratkovic Nada, Arsić Dušan, Lazic Vukic, Nikolic Ruzica, Hadzima Branislav, Influence of the contact and compacting pressures on the quality of the friction welded joint, null 50_SEMDOK 2016_2_File 1.pdf 50_SEMDOK 2016_File 2.pdf
8. Lazic Vukic, Arsić Dušan, Rakićević Milorad, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Djordjevic Milan, Marinkovic Petar, Ratkovic Nada, Uticaj vrste zavarenog spoja na balistička svojstva pancirnog čelika ARMOX 500T, null SPMS 2018--pp 173-177.pdf
9. Ratkovic Nada, Jovanović Živana, Arsić Dušan, Pešić Miloš, Dzunic Dragan, Tool geometry effect on material flow and mixture in FSW, null Ratkovic, et al. COMETa2022.pdf
10. Ivkovic Djordje, Adamovic Dragan, Arsić Dušan, Ratkovic Nada, Nikolic Ruzica, Review of the first generation of the advanced high-strength steels (AHSS) and their manufacturing procedures, null Ivkovic et al._SPMS_proceedings.pdf
11. Delić Marko, Mandic Vesna, Adamovic Dragan, Arsić Dušan, Ivkovic Djordje, Ratkovic Nada, Analysis of photogrammetry application possibilities for reverse engineering of components in the auto industry, null Delic et. al.pdf
12. Ratkovic Nada, Adamovic Dragan, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Mandic Vesna, Arsić Dušan, Delić Marko, Jovanović Živana, Advanced welding technologies: FSW in automotive manufacturing, null N. Ratkovic et al_MVM2024.pdf
13. Ratkovic Nada, Adamovic Dragan, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Mandic Vesna, Arsić Dušan, Delić Marko, Jovanović Živana, Advanced welding technologies: FSW in automotive manufacturing, null N. Ratkovic_MVM_abstract.pdf
14. Adamovic Dragan, Mandic Vesna, Ratkovic Nada, Arsić Dušan, Ivkovic Djordje, Delić Marko, Topalović Marko, Modern materials in automotive industry - review, null Adamovic et. al.pdf
15. Adamovic Dragan, Mandic Vesna, Ratkovic Nada, Arsić Dušan, Ivkovic Djordje, Delić Marko, Topalović Marko, Modern materials in automotive industry - review, null D. Adamovic_MVM_abstract.pdf
16. Arsić Dušan, Ivkovic Djordje, Adamovic Dragan, Mandic Vesna, Delić Marko, Andjela Mitrović, Ratkovic Nada, Application of high strength steels in automotive industry, null D. Arsic_MVM_abstract.pdf
17. Delić Marko, Mandic Vesna, Adamovic Dragan, Arsić Dušan, Ivkovic Djordje, Ratkovic Nada, Analysis of photogrammetry application possibilities for reverse engineering of components in the auto industry, null M. Delic_MVM_abstract.pdf
18. Delić Marko, Mandic Vesna, Aleksandrovic Srbislav, Arsić Dušan, Ivkovic Djordje, Adamovic Dragan, Ratkovic Nada, Influence of FDM printing parameters on the compressive mechanical properties and fracture behavior of ABS material, null ECF24 rad 2.pdf
19. Arsić Dušan, Ivkovic Djordje, Adamovic Dragan, Mandic Vesna, Delić Marko, Andjela Mitrović, Ratkovic Nada, Application of high strength steels in automotive industry, null Arsic et al.pdf