1. Nedić Novak, Filipovic Vojislav, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Design of Controllers With Fixed Order for Hydraulic Control System With a Long Transmission Line, null (ISSN 1451-2092) FME2010_dubonjic.pdf
2. Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Filipovic Vojislav, Design of constant gain controllers for the hydraulic control system with a long transmission line, null, 10.1007/s10010-011-0143-6 (ISSN 0015-7899)
3. Pršić Dragan, Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Đorđević Vladimir, Bond Graph Modeling In Simscape, null (ISSN 1998-0159) IJMCS2012.pdf
4. Pršić Dragan, Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Modeling and Simulation of Hydraulic Long Transmission Line by Bond Graph, null, 10.17265/2159-5275/2013.04.010 (ISSN 2159-5275) JMEA2013_prsic.pdf
5. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Nedić Novak, Filipovic Vojislav, Pršić Dragan, Design of PI controllers for hydraulic control systems, null, 10.1155/2013/451312 (ISSN 1024-123X) 10.1155-2013-451312.pdf
6. Nedić Novak, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Stojanović Vladimir, Đorđević Vladimir, Optimal cascade hydraulic control for a parallel robot platform by PSO, null, 10.1007/s00170-014-5735-5 (ISSN 0268-3768)
7. Stojanović Vladimir, Nedić Novak, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Optimal experiment design for identification of ARX models with constrained output in non-Gaussian noise, null, 10.1016/j.apm.2016.02.014 (ISSN 0307-904X)
8. Pršić Dragan, Nedić Novak, Filipovic Vojislav, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Vičovac A., Multilinear Model of Heat Exchanger with Hammerstein Structure, null, 10.1155/2016/7856510 (ISSN 1687-5249) 10.1155-2016-7856510.pdf
9. Stojanović Vladimir, Nedić Novak, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Đorđević Vladimir, Application of cuckoo search algorithm to constrained control problem of a parallel robot platform, null, 10.1007/s00170-016-8627-z (ISSN 0268-3768)
10. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Nedić Novak, Stojanović Vladimir, Veljović Maja, Design of PD controllers for systems with high time delay, null, 10.5937/IMK1703083D (ISSN 0354-6829) IMK-14_dubonjic.pdf
11. Prodanovic M., Nedić Novak, Filipovic Vojislav, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Modified approach to distillation column control, null, 10.2298/HEMIND160326028P (ISSN 0367-598X) 10.2298-HEMIND160326028P.pdf
12. Nedić Novak, Prodanovic Sasa, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Decoupling control of the tito system supported by the dominant pole placement method, null, 10.22190/FUME170505012N (ISSN 0354-2025) 10.22190-FUME170505012N.pdf
13. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Filipovic Vojislav, Nedić Novak, Đorđević V., Design of an H∞ PI controller with given relative stability and its application to the CSTR problem, null, 10.2298/HEMIND170529007D (ISSN 0367-598X) 10.2298-HEMIND170529007D.pdf
14. Stojanović Vladimir, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, JOINT ESTIMATION OF STATES AND PARAMETERS OF LINEAR SYSTEMS WITH PARAMETER FAULTS UNDER NON-GAUSSIAN NOISES, null, 10.22190/FUACR1902113S (ISSN 1820-6425) facta2020_SV.pdf
15. Đorđević Vladimir, Stojanović Vladimir, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Menezes Morato Marcelo, Observer-based fault estimation in steer-by-wire vehicle, null, 10.5937/engtoday2201007D (ISSN 2812-9474) 2812-94742201007Q.pdf
16. Djordjevic Vladimir, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Morato Marcelo Menezes, Pršić Dragan, Stojanović Vladimir, Sensor fault estimation for hydraulic servo actuator based on sliding mode observer, null, 10.3934/mmc.2022005 (ISSN 2767-8946) 10.3934_mmc.2022005.pdf
17. Rajaraman Janani, Prodanović Saša, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Design of Fractional - Order PI Controller for Multivariable Process, null, 10.6723/TERP.202212_6(2).0005 (ISSN 2616-1699) rajaraman_ieti2022.pdf
18. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Prodanović Saša, Stojanović Vladimir, Menezes Morato, PD controller design for a system of a valve controlled hydromotor, null, 10.5937/engtoday2300012D (ISSN 2812-9474) dubonjic_it2023.pdf
19. Stojanović Vladimir, Đorđević Vladimir, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Nikolić Marko, ADP–based control of a two–wheeled self–balancing mobile robot, null, Engineering Today, 10.5937/engtoday2400018S (ISSN 2812-9474) ET_2024-Stojanovic.pdf
1. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Sinteza regulatora fiksnog reda za sisteme upravljanja sa dugačkim hidrauličnim vodovima, null PhD_Thesis_Dubonjic_2012.pdf
1. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Zbirka rešenih zadataka iz sinteze linearnih sistema automatskog upravljanja sa izvodima iz teorije, null udzbenik_dubonjic.pdf
1. Brašić Vesna, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Nedić Novak, Parametric Methods in Analysis and Synthesis of Controlled Time Delay System- – Circulating Reservoir for Mixing Liquids, null saum2010_dubonjic.pdf
2. Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Filipovic Vojislav, Design of PI Controllers for the Hydraulic Control System with a Long Transmission Line, null saum2010_dubonjic2.pdf
3. Brašić Vesna, Dubonjic Ljubisa, The Method for Extracting Region of Absolute Stability-Loop - Controlled Time Delay Systems, null HM2011_DLja.pdf
4. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Brašić Vesna, Separation of constant settling time area with D-composition method for controlled time delay systems, null HM2011_DLjb.pdf
5. Pršić Dragan, Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Modeling and simulation of Hydraulic Long Transmission Line by Bond Graph, null HM2011_DPb.pdf
6. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Brašić Vesna, Control in Transport and Dosing Devices with Time Delay - Method for Extracting Region of Absolute Stability, null saum2012_dubonjic.pdf
7. Brašić Vesna, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Simulation the Transport and Dosing Device Behaviour Like object in Automatic Control System with Pre - defined Relative Stability, null saum2012_dubonjic2.pdf
8. Pršić Dragan, Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, A Comparative Study of Discrete and Modal Approximation of Hydraulic Transmission Lines, null saum2012_prsic.pdf
9. Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Djordjevic Vladimir, Determination of the Describing Function of Nozzle-flapper Type Pneumatic Valve With Two Ports, null icpe2013.pdf
10. Nedić Novak, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Stojanović Vladimir, Djordjevic Vladimir, Optimal Tuning of PID Controllers for a Hydraulically Driven Parallel Robot Platform Based on Firefly Algorithm, null (ISSN 1313-1850) ai2013.pdf
11. Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Stojanović Vladimir, Harmonic Analysis of a Pneumatic Fixed Orifice, null HM2014 -1.pdf
12. Nedić Novak, Lukić Ljubomir, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Brašić Vesna, Automatic Machines with Multiple Axes Wood Processing in Small and Medium Enterprises, null saum2014_prsic.pdf
13. Nedić Novak, Stojanović Vladimir, Pršić Dragan, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Intelligent Cascade Control of Hydraulically Driven Parallel Robot Platform, null SAUM_2014.pdf
14. Pršić Dragan, Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Mass Flow Rate Characteristic of the Flapper-nozzle Pneumatic Valve, null DEMI2015_prsic.pdf
15. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Filipovic Vojislav, Djordjevic Vladimir, Outlier Robust One-Step-ahead Adaptive Predictor for Hammerstein Models, null saum2016_dubonjic.pdf
16. Nedić Novak, Prodanović Saša, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Some Considerations on the Decoupling Control of TITO Systems, null saum2016_dubonjic.pdf
17. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Filipovic Vojislav, Nedić Novak, Djordjevic Vladimir, Design of Fixed Order H∞ Controllers with Specified Settling Time using D-Decomposition, null hm2017_dubonjic.pdf
18. Prodanović Saša, Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Some Considerations on Application of Relay Feedback Test to the Multivariable Systems, null saum2018_dubojic.pdf
19. Prodanović Saša, Nedić Novak, Dubonjic Ljubisa, On the Diversities of Multivariable Control Systems, null COMETa2018_dubonjic.pdf
21. Prodanović Saša, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Nedić Novak, Influence of Additional Pa Controller to the System Response When the Set Point is Changing, null COMETa2020_dubonjic.pdf
22. Prodanović Saša, Dubonjic Ljubisa, ON PID CONTROLLER DESIGN FOR A HIGH-ORDER SYSTEMS, null IIZS2020_dubonjic.pdf
23. Dubonjic Ljubisa, Prodanović Saša, Nedić Novak, Design of PID Controllers for the System of a Pump Controlled Hydro-Motor, null hm2021_dubonjic.pdf
24. Stojanović Vladimir, Đorđević Vladimir, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Prodanović Saša, Optimal Control of a Two-Wheeled Self-Balancing Mobile Robot Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming, null COMETa_stojanovic_2024.pdf
25. Janani Rajaraman, Prodanović Saša, Chittaluri Sai Phani Chandra, Dubonjic Ljubisa, Stojanović Vladimir, Analyzing and Optimizing PI Controller Methods for Two Tank System: A Laboratory-Based Study, null COMETa2024_janani.pdf