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Furtula Boris

 1. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Tomović Željko, Vesel Aleksander, Pesek Igor, Wiener–type topological indices of phenylenes, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0376-4710) paper0003.pdf

 2. Gutman Ivan, Vidović Dušica, Furtula Boris, Coulson function and Hosoya index, null, Chemical Physics Letters, 10.1016/S0009-2614(02)00291-9 (ISSN 00092614)

 3. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Vidović Dušica, Coulson function and total 𝜋–electron energy, null, Kragujevac Journal of Science (ISSN 1450-9636) paper0002.pdf

 4. Gutman Ivan, Vidović Dušica, Furtula Boris, Chemical applications of the Laplacian spectrum. VII. Studies of the Wiener and Kirchhoff indices, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0376-4710) paper0004.pdf

 5. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Belic Jasmina, Note of the hyper-Wiener index, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0312943G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0009.pdf

 6. Gutman Ivan, Vidović Dušica, Furtula Boris, Vesel Aleksander, Relations between topological indices of large chemical trees, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A paper0006.pdf

 7. Gutman Ivan, Vidović D., Furtula Boris, Zenkevich Igor G., Wiener-type indices and internal molecular energy, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0305401G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0005.pdf

 8. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Hyper-Wiener Index vs. Wiener Index. Two Highly Correlated Structure-Descriptors, null, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 10.1007/s00706-003-0003-7 (ISSN 0026-9247)

 9. Gutman Ivan, Arsic Biljana, Furtula Boris, Equiseparable chemical trees, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0307549G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0008.pdf

 10. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Arsic Biljana, Boskovic Zarko, On the relation between Zenkevich and Wiener indices of alkanes, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0404265G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0011.pdf

 11. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Miljković Olga, Rakić Marija, Families of equiseparable trees and chemical trees, null, Kragujevac Journal of Science (ISSN 1450-9636) paper0014.pdf

 12. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Effect of ethyl groups on the relation between Zenkevich and Wiener indices, null, Kragujevac Journal of Science (ISSN 1450-9636) paper0015.pdf

 13. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Vukičević Damir, Arsic Biljana, Equiseparable molecules and molecular graphs, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry (ISSN 0975-0975) paper0012.pdf

 14. Miljković Olga, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Statistics of equiseparable trees and chemical trees, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0013.pdf

 15. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Arsic Biljana, On Structure Descriptors Related with Intramolecular Energy of Alkanes, null, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 10.1515/zna-2004-1012 (ISSN 1865-7109) paper0016.pdf

 16. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Vidović Dušica, Hosoya Haruo, A Concealed Property of the Topological IndexZ, null, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 10.1246/bcsj.77.491 (ISSN 0009-2673) paper0010.pdf

 17. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Radenkovic Slavko, Relation between Pauling and Coulson Bond Orders in Benzenoid Hydrocarbons, null, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 10.1515/zna-2004-1013 (ISSN 1865-7109) paper0017.pdf

 18. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Vučković Veselin, Arsić Biljana, Partition of 𝜋–electrons in rings of double linear hexagonal chains, null, Bulletin de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts (Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles) paper0024.pdf

 19. Gutman Ivan, Gojak Sabina, Turkovic Nedzad, Furtula Boris, Polansky’s benzenoid character and the electron content of rings of benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0021.pdf

 20. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Jeremic Svetlana, Turkovic Nedzad, Electron content of rings of fully benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0510199G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0029.pdf

 21. Gutman Ivan, Radenkovic Slavko, Furtula Boris, Hosoya Haruo, Some properties of the topological bond order, null, Chemical Physics Letters, 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.02.120 (ISSN 0009-2614) paper26.pdf

 22. Gutman Ivan, Gojak Sabina, Furtula Boris, Clar theory and resonance energy, null, Chemical Physics Letters, 10.1016/j.cplett.2005.08.010 (ISSN 0009-2614) paper31.pdf

 23. Gutman Ivan, Turker Lemi, Furtula Boris, Vučković Veselin, The McClelland number of conjugated hydrocarbons, null, Croatica Chemica Acta (ISSN 0011-1643) paper0025.pdf

 24. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Toropov Aleksandar, Toropova Ala, The graph of atomic orbitals and its basic properties. 2. Zagreb indices, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0019.pdf

 25. Gutman Ivan, Milosavljevic Svetlana, Furtula Boris, Cmiljanović Nataša, Relation between electron and energy contents of hexagons in pericondensed benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0975-0975) paper0023.pdf

 26. Toropov Andrey, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Graph of atomic orbitals and the molecular structure-descriptors based on it, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0504669T (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0020.pdf

 27. Gutman Ivan, Stanković Sonja, Kovačević Radmila, Đurđević Jelena, Furtula Boris, Anomalous cyclic conjugation in benzenoid molecules with a small number of Kekulé structures, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A paper0030.pdf

 28. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Turkovic Nedzad, Electron and energy contents of hexagons in benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 10.1080/10406630590892557 (ISSN 1040-6638)

 29. Gutman Ivan, Turker Lemi, Furtula Boris, Vučković Veselin, The McClelland number of conjugated hydrocarbons, null, Croatica Chemica Acta (ISSN 0011-1643) paper0025.pdf

 30. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Đurđević Jelena, Kovacevic Radmila, Stanković Sonja, Annelated perylenes: Benzenoid molecules violating the Kekulé-structure-based cyclic conjugation models, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0509023G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0027.pdf

 31. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Turkovic Nedzad, Relation between electron and energy contents of hexagons in catacondensed benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0975-0975) IJCA 44A(1) 9-12.pdf

 32. Gutman Ivan, Turkovic Nedzad, Furtula Boris, On distribution of 𝜋-electrons in rhombus-shaped benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0975-0975) paper0044.pdf

 33. Gutman Ivan, Vodopivec Andrej, Radenkovic Slavko, Furtula Boris, On 𝜋–electron excess of rings of benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0975-0975) paper0034.pdf

 34. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Assessing the distribution of 𝜋-electrons into rings of phenylenes, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0975-0975) paper0046.pdf

 35. Đurđević Nikolić Jelena, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Radenkovic Slavko, Dependence of Hess-Schaad resonance energy on Kekulé structures, null, Kragujevac Journal of Science (ISSN 1450-9636) paper0037.pdf

 36. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Equivalence of Two Models for Partitioning of π-Electrons in Rings of Benzenoid Hydrocarbons, null, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 10.1515/zna-2006-5-611 (ISSN 1865-7109) paper0043.pdf

 37. Gutman Ivan, Gojak-Salimovic Sabina, Radulovic Niko, Furtula Boris, Benzenoid Molecules with Uniform Distribution of π-Electrons within Rings, null, Monatshefte für Chemie - Chemical Monthly, 10.1007/s00706-005-0434-4 (ISSN 0026-9247)

 38. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Hua Hongbo, Bipartite unicyclic graphs with maximal, second-maximal, and third-maximal energy, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0048.pdf

 39. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Marković Violeta, Glišić Biljana, Alkanes with Greatest Estrada Index, null, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 10.1515/zna-2007-0905 (ISSN 1865-7109) paper0052.pdf

 40. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Kovacevic Radmila, Partitioning of π-electrons in rings of aza-derivatives of naphthalene, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0707655G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0051.pdf

 41. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Glišić Biljana, Marković Violeta, Vesel Aleksander, Estrada index of acyclic molecules, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A paper0050.pdf

 42. Gutman Ivan, Radenkovic Slavko, Furtula Boris, Mansour Toufik, Schork Matthias, Relating Estrada index with spectral radius, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0712321G (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0053.pdf

 43. Gutman Ivan, Randic Milan, Balaban Alexandru, Furtula Boris, Vuĉković Veselin, π-ELECTRON CONTENTS OF RINGS IN THE DOUBLE-HEXAGONAL-CHAIN HOMOLOGOUS SERIES (PYRENE, ANTHANTHRENE AND OTHER ACENOACENES), null, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 10.1080/10406630591007080 (ISSN 1040-6638) paper28.pdf

 44. Gutman Ivan, Đurđević Nikolić Jelena, Furtula Boris, Milivojević Bojana, Cyclic conjugation in mono- and dicyclopenta-derivatives of anthracene and phenanthrene, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0376-4710) paper0057.pdf

 45. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Energy and Estrada index of phenylenes, null, Indian Journal of Chemistry A (ISSN 0376-4710) paper0055.pdf

 46. Furtula Boris, Radenkovic Slavko, Gutman Ivan, Bicyclic molecular graphs with the greatest energy, null, Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 10.2298/JSC0804431F (ISSN 0352-5139) paper0056.pdf

 47. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, CYCLIC CONJUGATION IN PYRACYLENE, null, Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 10.1080/10406630801970511 (ISSN 1040-6638) pyracyl-modificated.pdf

 48. Caporossi Gilles, Chasset Emma, Furtula Boris, Some conjectures and properties on distance energy, null, Les Cahiers du GERAD paper0064.pdf

 49. Miljković Olga, Furtula Boris, Radenkovic Slavko, Gutman Ivan, Equienergetic and almost-equienergetic trees, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0058.pdf

 50. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., Jeremic B., Radenkovic Slavko, Effect of a ring on the cyclic conjugation in another ring: applications to acenaphthylene-type polycyclic conjugated molecules, null, 10.2298/JSC1001083F (ISSN 0352-5139)

 51. Gutman Ivan, Zhou Bo, Furtula Boris, The Laplacian-energy like invariant is an energy like invariant, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0065.pdf

 52. Das Kinkar, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, On third geometric-arithmetic index of graphs, null, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 10.22052/ijmc.2010.5152 (ISSN 2008-9015) paper0072.pdf

 53. Das Kinkar Chandra, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, On second geometric-arithmetic index of graphs, null, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 10.22052/ijmc.2010.5151 (ISSN 2008-9015) paper0071.pdf

 54. Fath-Tabar Gholam Hossein, Furtula Boris, Gutman I., A new geometric-arithmetic index, null, 10.1007/s10910-009-9584-7 (ISSN 0259-9791)

 55. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Relation between second and third geometric-arithmetic indices of trees, null, 10.1002/cem.1342 (ISSN 0886-9383)

 56. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, Balaban A., Effect of benzocyclobutadieno-annelation on cyclic conjugation in fluoranthene congeners, null, 10.2298/JSC101201061G (ISSN 0352-5139)

 57. das kinkar, Gutman I., Furtula Boris, On atom-bond connectivity index, null, 10.1016/j.cplett.2011.06.049 (ISSN 0009-2614) 10.1016-j.cplett.2011.06.049.pdf

 58. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Estimating the second and third geometric-arithmetic indices, null, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics (ISSN 2651-477X) paper0074.pdf

 59. Vukičević Damir, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Andova Vesna, Dimitrov Darko, Some observations on comparing Zagreb indices, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0078.pdf

 60. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, Graphenes - Aromatic giants, null, 10.1007/s12045-011-0139-4 (ISSN 0971-8044)

 61. das kinkar, Gutman I., Furtula Boris, On the first geometric-arithmetic index of graphs, null, 10.1016/j.dam.2011.06.020 (ISSN 0166-218X)

 62. Došlić T., Furtula Boris, Graovac A., Gutman Ivan, Moradi Sirous, Yarahmadi Zahra, On vertex-degree-based molecular structure descriptors, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0077.pdf

 63. das kinkar, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, On atom-bond connectivity index, null, 10.2298/FIL1204733D (ISSN 0354-5180) 10.2298-FIL1204733D.pdf

 64. Dehmer M., Grabner M., Furtula Boris, Structural discrimination of networks by using distance, degree and eigenvalue-based measures, null, 10.1371/journal.pone.0038564 10.1371-journal.pone.0038564.pdf

 65. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Ivanović Miloš, Notes on trees with minimal atom-bond connectivity index, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0081.pdf

 66. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Andriantiana Eric Ould Dadah, Cvetić Mila, More trees with large energy and small size, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0083.pdf

 67. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, Vertex-degree-based molecular structure descriptors of benzenoid systems and phenylenes, null, 10.2298/JSC111212029G (ISSN 0352-5139)

 68. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Trees with smallest atom-bond connectivity index, null (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0084.pdf

 69. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., Ivanović Miloš, Vukicević D., Computer search for trees with minimal ABC index, null, 10.1016/j.amc.2012.06.075 (ISSN 0096-3003)

 70. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Lin Hong, More trees with all degrees odd having extremal Wiener index, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0090.pdf

 71. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Tošović Jelena, Mohamed ESSALIH, mohamed el marraki, On terminal Wiener indices of kenograms and plerograms, null, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 10.22052/ijmc.2013.5283 paper0095.pdf

 72. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., Dehmer M., On structure-sensitivity of degree-based topological indices, null, 10.1016/j.amc.2013.03.072 (ISSN 0096-3003)

 73. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., Comparing energy and randić energy, null, 10.20450/mjcce.2013.127 (ISSN 1857-5552) 10.20450-mjcce.2013.127.pdf

 74. Furtula Boris, Odd-vertex-degree trees maximizing Wiener index, null, Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics (ISSN 1450-9628) paper0092.pdf

 75. Gutman I., Essalih M., El Marraki M., Furtula Boris, Why plerograms are not used in chemical graph theory? the case of terminal-Wiener index, null, 10.1016/j.cplett.2013.03.045 (ISSN 0009-2614)

 76. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, Ahmadi M., Hosseini S., Salehi Nowbandegani P., Zarrinderakht M., The ABC index conundrum, null, 10.2298/FIL1306075G (ISSN 0354-5180) 10.2298-FIL1306075G.pdf

 77. Shabani Hossein, Ashrafi Ali Reza, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, On extensions of Wiener index, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0088.pdf

 78. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Bozkurt Ş., On Randić energy, null, 10.1016/j.laa.2013.06.010 (ISSN 0024-3795)

 79. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Katanić Vladimir, New bounds and approximations for total π-electron energy: A critical test, null, Kragujevac Journal of Science, 10.5937/KgJSci1436079G (ISSN 1450-9636) paper0101.pdf

 80. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., ediz süleyman, On difference of Zagreb indices, null, 10.1016/j.dam.2014.06.011 (ISSN 0166-218X)

 81. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Elphick Clive, Three new/old vertex-degree-based topological indices, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0099.pdf

 82. Furtula Boris, Lekishvili G., Gutman I., A graph theoretical approach to cis/trans isomerism, null, 10.2298/JSC140120010F (ISSN 0352-5139)

 83. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Chen Xiaodan, Qian Jianguo, Resolvent Estrada index - computational and mathematical studies, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0109.pdf

 84. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Xueliang L., Multicenter wiener indices and their applications, null, 10.2298/JSC150126015G (ISSN 0352-5139) 0352-51391500015G.pdf

 85. Shicai Gong, Li Xueliang, Xu Guanghui, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Borderenergetic graphs, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0105.pdf

 86. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Kovijanić Vukićević Žana, Popivoda Goran, On Zagreb indices and coindices, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0106.pdf

 87. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., A forgotten topological index, null, 10.1007/s10910-015-0480-z (ISSN 0259-9791)

 88. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Kovijanić Vukićević Žana, Lekishvili G., Popivoda Goran, On an old/new degree-based topological index, null, Bulletin de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts (Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles) (ISSN 0561-7332) paper0110.pdf

 89. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Chen Xiaodan, Qian Jianguo, Graphs with smallest resolvent Estrada indices, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0103.pdf

 90. Furtula Boris, Assessing Л-electron contents of rings in polycyclic aromatic compounds, null, 10.2174/1385272819666141216232457 (ISSN 1385-2728)

 91. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Zogic Emir, Glogić Edin, Resolvent energy of graphs, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0112.pdf

 92. Furtula Boris, Atom-bond connectivity index versus Graovac-Ghorbani analog, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0111.pdf

 93. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, Farrugia A., Sciriha I., Constructing NSSD molecular graphs, null, 10.5562/cca2997 (ISSN 0011-1643) 10.5562-cca2997.pdf

 94. Ivanović Miloš, Stojanović Boban, Simic Visnja, Kaplarević-Mališić Ana, Ranković Vladimir, Furtula Boris, Mijailovich S., High performance computing in multi-scale modeling, graph science and meta-heuristic optimization, null, 10.5937/jsscm1601050I (ISSN 1820-6530) 10.5937-jsscm1601050I.pdf

 95. Borovićanin Bojana, Furtula Boris, On extremal Zagreb indices of trees with given domination number, null, 10.1016/j.amc.2016.01.017 (ISSN 0096-3003)

 96. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., das kinkar, On atom-bond connectivity molecule structure descriptors, null, 10.2298/JSC150901093F (ISSN 0352-5139) 10.2298-JSC150901093F.pdf

 97. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Katanić Vladimir, Three-center Harary index and its applications, null, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 10.22052/ijmc.2016.12402 paper0114.pdf

 98. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, das kinkar, On some degree-and-distance-based graph invariants of trees, null, 10.1016/j.amc.2016.04.040 (ISSN 0096-3003)

 99. Gutman Ivan, Milovanović Emina, das kinkar, Furtula Boris, Milovanović Igor, Generalizations of Szőkefalvi Nagy and Chebyshev inequalities with applications in spectral graph theory, null, 10.1016/j.amc.2017.05.064 (ISSN 0096-3003)

 100. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Borderenergetic graphs of order 12, null, Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 10.22052/ijmc.2017.87093.1290 paper0126.pdf

 101. das kinkar, Gutman I., Furtula Boris, On spectral radius and energy of extended adjacency matrix of graphs, null, 10.1016/j.amc.2016.10.029 (ISSN 0096-3003)

 102. Antić Marija, Furtula Boris, Radenkovic Slavko, Aromaticity of Nonplanar Fully Benzenoid Hydrocarbons, null, 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b02521 (ISSN 1089-5639)

 103. Milovanović Igor Z., Milovanović Emina, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Some inequalities for the forgotten topological index, null, International Journal of Applied Graph Theory (ISSN 2456-7884) paper0123.pdf

 104. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, das kinkar, Extended energy and its dependence on molecular structure, null, 10.1139/cjc-2016-0636 (ISSN 0008-4042)

 105. Furtula Boris, das kinkar, Gutman I., Comparative analysis of symmetric division deg index as potentially useful molecular descriptor, null, 10.1002/qua.25659 (ISSN 0020-7608)

 106. Gligorijević A., Markovic Svetlana, Redžepović I., Furtula Boris, Application of spectral graph theory on the enthalpy change of formation of acyclic saturated ketones, null, 10.2298/JSC180906086G (ISSN 0352-5139) 10.2298-JSC180906086G.pdf

 107. das kinkar, Gutman Ivan, Milovanović I., Milovanovíc E., Furtula Boris, Degree-based energies of graphs, null, 10.1016/j.laa.2018.05.027 (ISSN 0024-3795)

 108. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, Katanić V., Randić index and information, null, 10.1016/j.akcej.2017.09.006 (ISSN 0972-8600)

 109. Rakić M., Furtula Boris, A novel method for measuring the structure sensitivity of molecular descriptors, null, 10.1002/cem.3138 (ISSN 0886-9383)

 110. Bok Jan, Furtula Boris, Jedličková Nikola, Škrekovski Riste, On extremal graphs of weighted Szeged index, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0134.pdf

 111. Markovic Svetlana, Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Dependence of the Enthalpy of Formation of Phenols on Molecular Structure–Semiempirical Study, null, 10.1080/10406638.2019.1696379 (ISSN 1040-6638)

 112. Furtula Boris, Gutman I., Matejic Marjan, Milovanovíc E., Milovanović I., Some new lower bounds for augmented Zagreb index, null, 10.1007/s12190-019-01258-x (ISSN 1598-5865)

 113. Redžepović Izudin, Markovic Svetlana, Furtula Boris, On structural dependence of enthalpy of formation of catacondensed benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0136.pdf

 114. Wang Z., Mao Y., Furtula Boris, Wang X., Bounds for the spectral radius and energy of extended adjacency matrix of graphs, null, 10.1080/03081087.2019.1641464 (ISSN 0308-1087)

 115. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Graph energies and their applications, null, Bulletin de l’Académie Serbe des Sciences et des Arts (Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles) (ISSN 0561-7332) paper0140.pdf

 116. Gutman I., Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Two stability criteria for benzenoid hydrocarbons and their relation, null, 10.5562/CCA3593 (ISSN 0011-1643) 10.5562-CCA3593.pdf

 117. Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Predictive potential of eigenvalue-based topological molecular descriptors, null, 10.1007/s10822-020-00320-2 (ISSN 0920-654X)

 118. Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, On degeneracy of 𝒜-eigenvalue–based molecular descriptors and 𝑟-equienergetic chemical trees, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0147.pdf

 119. Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Relating total 𝜋-electron energy of benzenoid hydrocarbons with HOMO and LOMO energies, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0144.pdf

 120. Redžepović Izudin, Mao Y., Wang Z., Furtula Boris, Steiner degree distance indices: Chemical applicability and bounds, null, 10.1002/qua.26209 (ISSN 0020-7608)

 121. Arsic Biljana, Furtula Boris, Randjelovic Marjan, Evaluation of the constructed 3D models of RNAs: A review, null, Facta universitatis - series: Physics, Chemistry and Technology, 10.2298/FUPCT2001039A (ISSN 0354-4656) Arsić B

 122. Atanasov R., Furtula Boris, Škrekovski Riste, Trees with minimum weighted szeged index are of a large diameter, null, 10.3390/SYM12050793 10.3390-SYM12050793.pdf

 123. Redžepović I., Furtula Boris, On relationships of eigenvalue-based topological molecular descriptors, null, 10.17344/acsi.2019.5520 (ISSN 1318-0207) 10.17344-acsi.2019.5520.pdf

 124. Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Resolvent energy and estrada index of benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, 10.24874/jsscm.2020.01.04 (ISSN 1820-6530) 10.24874-jsscm.2020.01.04.pdf

 125. Antić Marija, ÄorÄ'ević S., Furtula Boris, Radenkovic Slavko, Magnetically Induced Current Density in Nonplanar Fully Benzenoid Hydrocarbons, null, 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b10352 (ISSN 1089-5639)

 126. Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Comparative study on structural sensitivity of eigenvalue–based molecular descriptors, null, 10.1007/s10910-020-01202-6 (ISSN 0259-9791)

 127. Redžepović Izudin, Radenkovic Slavko, Furtula Boris, Effect of a ring onto values of eigenvalue–based molecular descriptors, null, 10.3390/sym13081515 10.3390-sym13081515.pdf

 128. Vujosevic I., Popivoda Goran, Kovijanić Vukicević Ž., Furtula Boris, Škrekovski Riste, Arithmetic–geometric index and its relations with geometric–arithmetic index, null, 10.1016/j.amc.2020.125706 (ISSN 0096-3003)

 129. Gutman Ivan, Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Sahal A., Energy of Graphs with Self-Loops, null, 10.46793/match.87-3.645G (ISSN 0340-6253) 10.46793-match.87-3.645G.pdf

 130. Mao Yaping, Furtula Boris, Steiner distance in chemical graph theory, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0158.pdf

 131. Wang Z., Mao Y., Li Yidong, Furtula Boris, On relations between Sombor and other degree-based indices, null, 10.1007/s12190-021-01516-x (ISSN 1598-5865)

 132. Ali Akbar, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Vukičević Damir, Augmented Zagreb index: Extremal results and bounds, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry paper0151.pdf

 133. Liu M., Cheng K., Furtula Boris, Minimum augmented Zagreb index of c-cyclic graphs, null, 10.1016/j.dam.2021.02.021 (ISSN 0166-218X)

 134. Radenkovic Slavko, Redžepović Izudin, Đorđević Slađana, Furtula Boris, Tratnik Niko, Žigert Pleteršek Petra, Relating vibrational energy with Kekulé‐ and Clar‐structure‐based parameters, null, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 10.1002/qua.26867 (ISSN 0020-7608)

 135. Furtula Boris, Trinajstić index, null, 10.47443/dml.2021.s216

 136. Ali Akbar, Furtula Boris, Redžepović Izudin, Gutman Ivan, Atom-bond sum-connectivity index, null, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 10.1007/s10910-022-01403-1 (ISSN 0259-9791) ABS-final.pdf

 137. Furtula Boris, Radenkovic Slavko, Redžepović Izudin, Tratnik Niko, Žigert Pleteršek Petra, The generalized Zhang–Zhang polynomial of benzenoid systems – theory and applications, null, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 10.1016/j.amc.2021.126822 (ISSN 00963003)

 138. Borovićanin Bojana, Furtula Boris, Jerotijević M., On the minimum Harary index of graphs with a given diameter or independence number, null, 10.1016/j.dam.2022.06.008 (ISSN 0166-218X)

 139. Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, Chemical similarity of molecules with physiological response, null, 10.1007/s11030-022-10514-5 (ISSN 1381-1991)

 140. Gutman Ivan, Redžepović Izudin, Furtula Boris, On the product of Sombor and modified Sombor indices, null, Open Journal of Discrete Applied Mathematics, 10.30538/psrp-odam2023.0083 paper0167.pdf

 141. V R Kulli, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Redžepović Izudin, Sombor, Nirmala, Dharwad, and F-Sombor Indices – A Comparative Study, null, SSRG International Journal of Applied Chemistry, 10.14445/23939133/IJAC-V10I2P102 (ISSN 2393-9133) paper0168.pdf

 142. Redžepović Izudin, Ðorđević Slađana, Brezovnik Simon, Tratnik Niko, Žigert Pleteršek Petra, Furtula Boris, Radenkovic Slavko, Partition of topological indices of benzenoid hydrocarbons into ring contributions, null, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 10.1002/qua.27108 (ISSN 0020-7608) main.pdf

 143. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Redžepović Izudin, On Topological Indices and Their Reciprocals, null, Match Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 10.46793/match.91-2.287G (ISSN 03406253) paper0169.pdf

 1. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, das kinkar, Milovanović Emina, Milovanović Igor Z., Bounds in Chemical Graph Theory - Mainstreams, null mcm20_b5.pdf

 2. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, das kinkar, Milovanović Emina, Milovanović Igor Z., Bounds in Chemical Graph Theory - Advances, null mcm21_b5.pdf

 3. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, das kinkar, Milovanović Emina, Milovanović Igor Z., Bounds in Chemical Graph Theory - Basics, null mcm19_b5.pdf

 4. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Energies of Graphs - Survey, Census, Bibliography, null Book.pdf

 1. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Partitioning of 𝜋–electrons in the rings of benzenoid hydrocarbons using Fries structural formulas, null, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry paper0040.pdf

 2. Đurđević Jelena, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Kovačević Radmila, Stanković Sonja, Turkovic Nedzad, Cyclic conjugation in annelated perylenes, null, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry paper0041.pdf

 3. Gojak Sabina, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, On distribution of 𝜋–electrons in double linear hexagonal chains, null, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry paper0038.pdf

 4. Turkovic Nedzad, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Electron and energy content of hexagons in benzenoid hydrocarbons, null, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry paper0039.pdf

 5. Gojak Sabina, Stanković Sonja, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Zhang-Zhang polynomial and some of its applications, null, Mathematical Methods in Chemistry paper0042.pdf

 6. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Časopis MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, null paper005.pdf

 7. Đurđević Nikolić Jelena, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Radenkovic Slavko, Stanković Sonja, Comparative study of cyclic conjugation in tribenzoperylene isomers, null paper0063.pdf

 8. Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Geometric-arithmetic indices, null paper0068.pdf

 9. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, A survey on terminal Wiener index, null, Novel Molecular Structure Descriptors --- Theory and Applications (pp.173-190) Publisher: Univ. Kragujevac, Editors: Gutman, Ivan, Furtula, Boris paper0069.pdf

 10. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, Metric-extremal graphs, null, 10.1201/b17645

 11. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Zogic Emir, Glogić Edin, Resolvent energy, null paper0117.pdf

 12. Borovićanin Bojana, das kinkar, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Zagreb indices: bounds and extremal graphs, null paper0128.pdf

 1. Das Kinkar Chandra, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Survey on geometric-arithmetic indices of graphs, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0075.pdf

 2. Xu Kexiang, Liu Muhuo, das kinkar, Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, A survey on graphs extremal with respect to distance-based topological indices, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0096.pdf

 3. Gutman I., Furtula Boris, The total π-electron energy saga, null, 10.5562/cca3189 (ISSN 0011-1643) 10.5562-cca3189.pdf

 4. Borovićanin Bojana, das kinkar, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Bounds for Zagreb indices, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0121.pdf

 5. Ma Yuede, cao shujuan, Shi Yongtang, Gutman Ivan, dehmer matthias, Furtula Boris, From the connectivity index to various Randić-type descriptors, null, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry (ISSN 0340-6253) paper0130.pdf

 6. Ali Akbar, das kinkar, Dimitrov D., Furtula Boris, Atom–bond connectivity index of graphs: A review over extremal results and bounds, null, 10.47443/dml.2020.0069

 1. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Survey of Graph Energies, null, Mathematics Interdisciplinary Research, 10.22052/mir.2017.81507.1057 paper007.pdf

 1. Gutman Ivan, Marković Jelena, Furtula Boris, Fotografije atoma i molekula, null, Hemijski pregled (ISSN 0440-6826) paper001.pdf

 2. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Marković Katarina, Grafeni - aromatični džinovi, null, Hemijski pregled paper002.pdf

 3. Gutman Ivan, Furtula Boris, Graphenes - Aromatic giants, null, Resonance paper006a.pdf

 4. Gutman Ivan, Đurović Mirjana, Furtula Boris, Čudo svetog Januariusa, null, Hemijski pregled paper004.pdf

 5. Đurđević Nikolić Jelena, Furtula Boris, Gutman Ivan, Da li će se menjati definicija mola?, null, Hemijski pregled paper008.pdf